Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Practice #2

Practice time again and I'm pretty sure that has all we've been hearing about for the past couple days. Sadly I wasn't able to make it to his practice today, but Ashley and Grandma Karen were able to go and get lots of pictures and fill me in on all the details. Over all the practice was a big success compared to last weeks practice, Gabe fell a lot less and was able to get himself up all the time, but probably the best thing is that he listened and took direction from his coach. When they told him something he listened and did it :-) a big milestone for those that don't know him.

They did run a couple new drills to teach new techniques and better his balance. First one was skating from one side to the other with his stick above his head. This was great, so Gabe can stop relying on using his stick for balance and start to better his skating ability. We did get a kick out of the fact that Gabe wasn't able to lift his stick above his head because his helmet got in the way, but with a little help he did great. The next new drill was doing skate crossovers. This was done by having the kids hold on to the wall and walking around while crossing one skate over the other and then bringing the other skate back. This was teaching them to lift their skates and crossover which will be very helpful when start skating fast and start making turns and keeping their speed up. This was enjoyable because none of the kids could figure it out, once one skate left the ground and hit their other skate then they were on the ground just as fast :-) After that it was Gabe's favorite part, SHOOTING DRILLS!!!!! They passed the kids the puck and let them take it to the goal and shoot. When I asked Gabe how many goals he scored all I could get was "Lots", good job buddy!!!

Sorry this wasn't a little more detailed, next week will be better, or I may let Ashley write the details when I can't make it. I'll just load this post with pictures to make up for the lack of details.

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